
One of the most important elements of chiropractic care is diagnostics. Chiropractic radiology is a tool utilized in care as a diagnostic practice to rule out pathology (such as possible tumor or fracture) and/or an additional aid to determine where to adjust the spine. Chiropractors rely on a variety of diagnostic techniques in order to fully understand what is occurring in the patient’s musculoskeletal system, and how a given treatment intervention could bring about positive results in each patient.

Because chiropractic care uses spinal manipulation and other techniques that involve movement of skeletal components with the hands or with the use of the instrument, an X-ray can show a chiropractor exactly what is happening in the body in terms of alignment and structure.

It is important to highlight that X-rays are not used universally in chiropractic care. In most patients, the chiropractor is able to determine what is occurring in the musculoskeletal system without the need for imaging technology. X-rays are usually reserved for the more severe cases in which there may be a serious condition present such as scoliosis, osteoporosis, or spinal stenosis.

As a general guideline, X-rays are recommended in the following cases:

  • If the patient has sustained a significant traumatic injury, as a bone may be broken or a joint may be dislocated
  • If an infection may be causing the patient’s pain
  • If any significant disease is suspected, such as cancer or a possible tumor
  • If any type of joint disease is suspected, such as arthritis causing joint pain
  • If the patient is over age 50 and has experienced any type of trauma (even a minor one)
  • For most patients over 65 years of age
  • Anyone who has been diagnosed with or who may be at risk for osteoporosis.
  • The X-ray may be important to identify or rule out a possible vertebral fracture from osteoporosis.
  • Any suspected spinal instability
  • If the patient has had long-standing pain that has not responded to or resolved with previous health care treatment

During your appointment, we will determine whether or not x-rays are necessary. To request an appointment today, please don’t hesitate to contact us at (214) 453-2550!

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Summit Health Family & Urgent Care offers ultrasound therapy to minimize muscle pain and movement dysfunction. It is part of the treatment process that will be evaluated by Summit Health Family & Urgent Care upon your initial visit. Ultrasound therapy has proven results to help with various conditions you might suffer from. It is a helpful device to correct spinal joint misalignments and restore the nervous system to its optimal function.

What is Ultrasound Therapy?
Ultrasound therapy is the use of high frequency sound waves to deliver deep heat to the treated tissues. The goal is to speed up the healing of a joint, muscle or tendon by using this higher frequency ultrasound. Ultrasound therapy may be used alone or in conjunction with stretching, therapeutic massage, heat or chiropractic adjustment. This therapy can be useful for a variety of patient’s complaints. The ultrasound creates a painless, micro-massage that many patients find relaxing.

What are the benefits of Ultrasound Therapy?
Ultrasound therapy has been known to increase tissue relaxation, stimulate local blood flow and aid in scar tissue breakdown. Local blood flow has been known to help reduce swelling and chronic inflammation by delivering more nutrients to the infected area. The treatments may help reduce stiffness, swelling and pain while increasing circulation and promoting a pain-free movement. While studies are still being done to test the effectiveness of these treatments, many people find them helpful in reducing pain and speeding the healing process. While ultrasound therapy is not effective for all chronic pain, it may help reduce your pain if you suffer from any of the following conditions:

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Myofascial pain
  • Bursitis
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Tendonitis
  • Pain caused by scar tissue
  • Phantom limb pain
  • Sprains and strains
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